🚧 Work-in-progress
📥 Installation:
- Equicord - “Replaces” discord | I use
1a. Vesktop - Actual client, I use a fork of this
1b. Vesktop installer - applies to base discord
1v. BetterDiscord - No longer use this and not sure what the support is like
- Download: darkened.theme.css
- Drop the
file in themes
folder of your modded client directory.
✅ Features
- ✔️ Radial Status
- ✔️ Good ol’ darkness
- ✔️ Partial customizability
- ✔️ Everything square & Avatar decoration removed
- ✔️ Removed scrollbars for the main sections (still functional with scroll wheel)
- ❌ Light mode not supported
- ⭕ Not going to be as customizable to the user as it once was
- ⭕ Complete code rewrite, and I’m attempting to make it future proof. Probably not possible given how Discord enjoys changing class names in stupid ways.
- I’m always on
- Settings > appearance > Space between message groups: 4px
📷 Preview
Main window

Settings page

⚠️ Outdated - irrelevant?
Main window + User popout

✏️ Darkened Purple Re-Skin
Main window + User popout

Home + Friends section

User Settings

✏️ Darkened Amoled Re-Skin
Main window + User popout

Home + Friends section

User Settings

✏️ Darkened Comfy Re-Skin | Color palette of Nyria's Comfy Theme
Main window + User popout

Home + Friends section

User Settings

✏️ Darkened Dark Purple Re-Skin | Color palette of Quillish BD Theme
Main window + User popout

Home + Friends section

User Settings

📌 Information
### 📢 Installation
- Go into discord's settings
- Go to your `"Themes"`
- Click on `"Open Themes Folder"` button (Above the search bar)
- Download and move the **[Darkened.theme.css](https://github.com/misspent/Darkened/blob/main/Darkened.theme.css)**/**[Darkened Amoled.css](https://github.com/misspent/Darkened/blob/main/Re-Skins/Darkened%20Amoled.css)**/**[Darkened Purple.theme.css](https://github.com/misspent/Darkened/blob/main/Re-Skins/Darkened%20Purple.css)**/**[Darkened Dark Purple Re-Skin](https://github.com/misspent/Darkened/blob/main/Re-Skins/Darkened%20Dark%20Purple.css)**/**[Darkened Comfy Re-Skin](https://github.com/misspent/Darkened/blob/main/Re-Skins/Darkened%20Comfy.css)** file into that folder
- Click the checkbox in the top-right corner of the theme container in discord to enable it
### ✅ Features
* ✔️ Good ol' darkness
* ✔️ Optional Scrollbars
* ✔️ Optional Codeblocks
* ✔️ Optional Radial Status
* ✔️ Optional Channel Icons
* ✔️ Support for some plugins
* ✔️ Optional Separated Chat Bars
* ✔️ Optional Horizontal Server List
* ❌ Light mode not supported
* ⭕ All Imports in main.css I deem a requirement with my theme (may change)
### ℹ️ Credits
* **[xcruxiex](https://github.com/xcruxiex)**'s Friend Grid.
* **[LyGhT1337](https://github.com/LyGhT1337)**'s CodeBlocks.
* **[mwittrien](https://github.com/mwittrien)**'s Setting Icons.
* **[XYZenix](https://github.com/XYZenix)**'s DragNDrop Modals.
* **[Gibbu & Tropix126](https://github.com/DiscordStyles)**'s Radial Status.
* **[CorellanStoma](https://github.com/CreArts-Community/Mention-Links)**'s Mention Links & Context Icons.
* **[LuckFire](https://github.com/discord-extensions/bubble-bar)**'s SeparatedChatBar -> Ported and edited.
* **[Xhylo](https://github.com/Xhylo/ChannelIcons)**'s Channel Icons -> Ported + additions & fixes.
* **[maenDisease](https://github.com/maenDisease)**'s ChannelTabsLined -> Inspiration for support.
* **[Nyria](https://github.com/NYRI4)**'s Discolored & no-scrollbars Imports + Used Comfy theme as a base.
* A friend who shall not be named.
* Used, took inspiration and or edited some snippets from other themes/servers; thanks Gibbu, ClearVision, Couve & others.
🎥 Darkened Compact Import
DarkenedCompact Import | Optional & Configurable
DarkenedCompact Import with HorizontalServerList Import | Optional & Configurable
<h1 align="center", margin= "0">📷 More Screenshots</h1>
(Previews/screenshots may become out-of-date at some point)
User Settings

Home + Friends section

☰ User Settings, Server Actions and Message Actions Menus
| User Settings Menu | Server Actions Menu | Message Actions Menu |
| :---------: | :---------: | :---------: |
</img> |
</img> |
</img> |
📦 Channel Icons
I got my SVG Icons from the links below; it's in order from best to worst (in my opinion). I'm not the original creator of the import, meaning I have no idea where he got his from; however, if I find out, I will update this.
* 1st: https://icons.getbootstrap.com
* 2nd: https://heroicons.com
* 3rd: https://primer.style/octicons/
* Useful: https://superdevresources.com/free-svg-icons/
| Channel Icons | Channel Icons + | Channel Icons ++ |
| :---------: | :---------: | :---------: |
</img> |
</img> |
</img> |
☷ Separated Chat Bar

📜 Extra(s)
➜ You'll need [BetterDiscord](https://betterdiscord.app/) for this to work.
➜ Make sure `Dark` is selected in the appearance settings, or it'll look like someone dropkicked discord.
➜ If you want to submit your re-skin, feel free to upload the file or paste the file's contents in the issues section and title it "Re-skin", please.
➜ 🚀 Thought I'd share this with all of you as this'll increase the performance of discord in a rather drastic way; ~~however, it's not the best for people who want to create themes, given that it won't reload discord when you save. Hopefully, he'll change it in the future~~ [OpenAsar Website](https://openasar.dev/) | [OpenAsar GitHub](https://github.com/GooseMod/OpenAsar)
⌨ Variables
\ Main Variables \
.theme-dark {
--background-tertiary: #121212;
--background-secondary: #0d0d0d;
--background-secondary-alt: #090909;
--background-primary: #090909;
--background-mobile-primary: #23283d;
--background-mobile-secondary: #1e2233;
--channeltextarea-background: #101010; /* Main window text bar + reply bar background */
--background-accent: #6e85d3;
--background-message-hover: transparent;
--background-modifier-hover: #121212;
--background-modifier-active: #1a1e2e;
--background-modifier-selected: #171d2b;
--deprecated-card-bg: #12141f63;
--background-floating: #0d0d0d;
--deprecated-quickswitcher-input-background: #101320;
--elevation-low: none;
--scrollbar-auto-thumb: #101010;
--scrollbar-auto-track: #181818;
--scrollbar-thin-thumb: #141414;
--activity-card-background: #101320;
--border-color: #151515;
--popout-title: #141414;
--popout-background-main: #101010;
--jump-newmessage-bars-buttons: #353535;
--jump-newmessage-bars: #202020;
--Emoji-Menu: #060606;
.theme-light {
/* "Create a server" popup | I will never support light theme */
--background-tertiary: #090909;
--background-secondary: #090909;
--background-secondary-alt: #191f2e;
--background-primary: #121212;
--background-accent: #6e85d3;
--background-modifier-hover: #1a1e2e;
--background-modifier-active: #262b41;
--header-primary: #fff;
--header-secondary: #b1b5b9;
--text-normal: #8e9297;
--popout-secondary: #0d0d0d;
⌛ Write-up
> =======================================================================
> **The people in the screenshots are not me, and I've blurred stuff as I don't want friends to get spammed and or added. moreover, I'd prefer it if people didn't know what server(s) I'm in for obvious reasons, and I'm a relatively private person cause I am clapped.**
> **I'll update this as often as I can; however, I do not use the canary version of discord, nor am I some mastermind that can instantly fix/add stuff, so the updates may take a while to push if they change containers etc. on that note, I hope you enjoy the theme, and if you encounter any issues, bugs or want me to attempt to add support for a plugin you use, please tell me. Trying to learn basic CSS to the best of my ability.**